Boultinghouse Blogs

A Boultinghouse Family Blog Page

Sunday, June 28, 2009

UDS Build Part 3

UDS done! Still need to get the right size lid for better temp control.

Yum! First attempt at brisket. Pretty impressed. This came out a little was small and didn't have much fat to start with.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

UDS Build Part 2

Today I cut the top off (metal blade on the Sawzall). I also drilled six 3/4" intake vents 1 1/2" from the bottom (step drill bit). I'm going to cut up a sheet of fridge magnet material from a craft store for vent covers.

Close up of the intake vents.

Here's the inside, not sure about this coating still. I tried to burn it off the cap and all it did was char, no melting or smoking of any kind. Did I luck out? The bottom grate from my old firepit fits perfectly at the bottom for a charcoal grate. I'll make the ring soon. The grate has legs and sits just a hair under 3" from the bottom. The intake holes are just under that grate.

Here's a pic after trying to burn any kind of coating off. I used a heavy duty lighter,may need higher heat?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

UDS Build Part 1

Food grade 55 gallon drum, used once for flavored coffee syrup, $20.

Is this the dreaded lining that has to be burned/sanded off?